10 Must-Know Shortcuts for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA - Boost Your Productivity Today!


3 min read

If you are tired of wasting time clicking through endless menus in your IDE, have a glance at the below shortcuts, I have created this to help you work comfortably with the most used IDE. I will share the top 10 most commonly used shortcuts for two of the most popular Java IDEs, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. These shortcuts will help you navigate your projects, write code faster, and get more done in less time. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, these shortcuts are sure to help you streamline your workflow and take your coding skills to the next level. So, grab your keyboard and get ready to master these essential shortcuts!

Most commonly used Eclipse shortcuts:

  1. Ctrl + Shift + T - Opens the "Open Type" dialogue box, which allows you to quickly search for and open any Java class in your workspace.

  2. Ctrl + Shift + R - Opens the "Open Resource" dialogue box, which allows you to quickly search for and open any file in your workspace.

  3. Ctrl + Space - Displays the content assist window, which provides a list of suggestions for code completion.

  4. Ctrl + Shift + O - Organizes imports by removing unused imports and adding missing ones.

  5. Ctrl + D - Deletes the current line of code.

  6. Ctrl + / - Comments out the selected code or uncomment the selected code if it was already commented.

  7. Ctrl + F11 - Runs the current project or application.

  8. Ctrl + Shift + F - Formats the selected code or the entire file according to the specified formatting rules.

  9. F3 - Jumps to the definition of the selected variable or method.

  10. Ctrl + Shift + L - Displays a list of all Eclipse shortcuts.

Most commonly used IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts:

Ctrl + Shift + T - Opens the "Find Class" dialogue box, which allows you to quickly search for and open any Java class in your project.

  1. Ctrl + Shift + R - Opens the "Find File" dialogue box, which allows you to quickly search for and open any file in your project.

  2. Ctrl + Space - Displays the content assist window, which provides a list of suggestions for code completion.

  3. Ctrl + Alt + L - Formats the selected code or the entire file according to the specified formatting rules.

  4. Ctrl + Shift + F10 - Runs the current application or test.

  5. Ctrl + Shift + F9 - Debugs the current application or test.

  6. Ctrl + D - Duplicates the current line of code.

  7. Ctrl + / - Comments out the selected code or uncomment the selected code if it was already commented.

  8. F3 - Jumps to the definition of the selected variable or method.

  9. Ctrl + Shift + A - Displays the "Find Action" dialogue box, which allows you to quickly search for and execute any IntelliJ IDEA action.

By incorporating these shortcuts into your workflow, you'll be able to navigate your IDE faster and more efficiently, allowing you to focus on what matters - writing great code